Natural Fertility NZ Inc (NFNZ) began as Natural Family Planning Association in 1974. Its primary aim was to provide information and teaching about natural family planning in New Zealand. It was founded in the wake of worldwide advances in physiological and scientific knowledge about fertility and the menstrual cycle. The method was quickly adopted by couples throughout the country.
A recommendation from the Royal Commission on Contraception, Sterilisation and Abortion stated that:
“…grants be made by the government to assist with the financing of natural family planning centres and that increased financial assistance be provided by the Government in order to expand the services of family planning clinics”
This resulted in Natural Family Planning Association (as it was known then) receiving government funding through the Department of Health for the training of educators in natural family planning (1980), for payment of educators (1982), and for educators working in schools and with other community groups (1983).
In 1990 the first Annual Contract for the provision of services was entered into with the Health Department. From July 1993 till March 2012, the organization received some funding through contracts with the Health Department in its various management forms i.e. RHAs. CHEs, HFAs and District Health Boards.
NFNZ services have been developed in response to expressed need. Initially this was for teaching individual couples fertility awareness/natural family planning. Since then requests have come from health professionals, schools and community groups for educators to teach in the areas of fertility, and sexuality. Contracts with the District Health Boards were adjusted to include these changes.
In 2002 Natural Family Planning Inc carried out a re-branding exercise and changed its name to Natural Fertility NZ Inc to better reflect the services we provide.
In 2011, the members of NFNZ decided to change the structure of the organisation, and it became a charity with a council of yearly elected members.
Today, Natural Fertility NZ trains and supports their educators to run their own business. The charitable work covers increasing awareness to both the public and medical professionals; and providing grants to organisations so that they can receive funded fertility education.
- Memorandum of Understanding with Family Planning Association and the Parents Centre
1974: Established as Natural Family Planning
2002: Renamed Natural Fertility New Zealand