Avoid Pregnancy
Avoid Pregnancy
Are you looking for a natural way to avoid pregnancy? NFNZ Educators can help you to confidently locate when you are fertile, so that you can chose to either abstain, or to use barriers during this time. See below for more information and resources to help you on your journey, or find an educator now.
Take control of your fertility
NFNZ Fertility Educators teach evidence based methods such as the Sympto-thermal Method (STM), the Lactational Amenorrhoea Method (LAM), and modified STM to suit those with returning fertility after long acting hormonal contraception, Breastfeeding, or declining fertility due to Peri-Menopause.
What is the process?
- Choose your Fertility Educator, and book in
- Meet for your 1st Appointment (either online or in person), where you will learn:
- How to recognise and record your signs of fertility
- Bring your chart to your 2nd Appointment, where you will learn:
- How to interpret your signs of fertility
- How to recognise when fertility starts, and ends
- How to apply the Sympto-thermal Method guidelines
- When it is safe to have intercourse
- Bring your next chart to your 3rd Appointment, where your educator will:
- Confirm the length of your luteal phase
- Ensure you understand how to interpret your signs of fertility and can confidently apply the guidelines
- Review your charts for any signs of a hormonal imbalance or conditions, and advise on next steps if necessary
- Your Fertility Educator will offer ongoing support so that you are 100% confident to use the method.
Why choose the Sympto-thermal Method for avoiding conception?
The Sympto-thermal method is the most trusted method of fertility awareness, being endorsed by both the World Health Organisation, and our very own Ministry of Health.
Changes to fertility over time
You will go through many changes to your fertility throughout your lifetime - from puberty right up until menopause. Each change has its own set of challenges, however the Sympto-thermal Method can be adapted to meet these changes, and offer insight into what is happening to your fertility. It also provides you with insight if you at some point want to conceive.
NFNZ educators teach fertility awareness to help prepare and support girls through puberty. Some NFNZ educators run in school programmes teaching fertility awareness, other educators can work with tweens and teens in smaller community groups or one on one.
The Lactational Amenorrhoea Method (LAM) can be used to delay the return to fertility for the first 6 months after giving birth, we also teach Breastfeeding charting from 6months post partum up until fertility returns.
By tracking your fertile signs, you can monitor declining fertility, know if ovulation has occured, and accurately predict when a period is due, and be reassured that you are not pregnant, reducing stress and uncertainty.
Downloadable checklists & guides, and helpful links for those Avoiding Conception.