Introduction / Overview
The CME requirements from the various Professional Associations has changed significantly over the last few years. As a result, NFNZ has been updating our CME workshops to appeal to a broader audience, including an online option through the Thinkific learning platform. If you are wanting to offer any of the CME's in person and need some guidance, we suggest you go through them first on the Thinkific platform.
The full overhaul of NFNZ's CME offerings will be complete by the end of February 2024.
Professional Associations
CME & CE points are awarded based on 'teaching hours', which does not include introductions, or feedback time.
- Royal NZ College of GP's (RNZCGP) - have given NFNZ approved provider status, which means that as long as our CME workshops do not incur a fee, and we submit monthly records of attendance, we are able to offer any of our CME workshops to GP's.
For every GP that completes a CME, NFNZ must submit details to the RNZCGP
- Nursing Council - Nurses have the option of choosing their own ongoing learning opportunities, aka professional development. They need to acquire 60 hours every 3 years to remain registered, and depending on their area of practice, they can choose to do any of NFNZ CME offerings.
- Midwifery Council - has recently revised the need to have all CME offerings reviewed prior to accreditation. enabling Midwives to direct their own learning. The 'Fertility while Breastfeeding' CME has been approved by them in the past, and has been specifically designed for Midwives, and Lactation Consultants.
Every Midwife must complete a Reflective Journal
- Family Planning - our revised CME 'Fertility Awareness as a Contraceptive Choice' is currently being reviewed by Family Planning, the plan is to have it endorsed by them for health practitioners in the field of reproductive & sexual health.
Health Professionals can approach NFNZ to create a personalised offering for their practice. If you are contacted about this, please contact Chantelle at for some guidance, as there are still some key components that need to be included.
Documents & Links for all CME
Get ready for your CME by downloading the Process & Checklist guide, standard forms, and any required documents for your audience. Then scroll down to the CME you are going to present, and download the specific resources.
GP Specific
Midwife Specific
General Certificate Template
CME: Fertility & The Menstrual Cycle
This CME is a basic introduction to Fertility, The Menstrual Cycle, and Fertility Awareness. It is suitable for any Health Professional needing an introduction to Fertility & the Menstrual Cycle, and how Fertile Signs can be used by both the patient and Health Professional. This CME is currently undergoing a 2nd review, and is not currently available online via Thinkific. The in person resources are below.
Course Materials
Quizes / Activities
Certificate of Attendance:
CME: Fertility while Breastfeeding
This CME is a comphrehensive review of Fertility, Breastfeeding, and Fertility Awareness Options. It is available online via Thinkific, and also as an in person workshop. It is best suited to Midwives, and Lactation Consultants
Course Materials
Quizes / Activities
- Activity 1: Pre-knowledge Quiz Questions | Pre-knowledge Quiz Answers
- Activity 2: Fertility while Breastfeeding Quiz, Answers
- Activity 3: Reflective Journal
Certificate of Attendance:
CME: Fertility Awareness as a Contraceptive Choice
This CME is a comphrehensive overview of Fertility Awareness, including the use of Apps & Devices, and how to determine whether the Sympto-thermal Method is suitable for particular patients. It is available online via Thinkific, and also as an in person workshop - please not that is a longer CME and will require around 3 hours. It is best suited to Dr's, Nurses, and those working in the Contraceptive space, such as Family Planning. The in person resources will be uploaded here by the end of February 2024.
Course Materials
- Course Outline and Time Table
- Powerpoint Presentation
Quizes / Activities
- Activity 1:
- Activity 2:
- Activity 3:
- Slide presentation notes
- References
Certificate of Attendance:
- Certificate PDF
- Certificate Editable Doc
CME: Fertility Awareness for those Trying to Conceive
This CME will focus on Fertility Awareness for clients and patients who are trying to conceive. It is a great option for GP's who often see patients at the start of their trying to conceive journey. ETA: end of Jan 2024
Course Materials
- Course Outline and Time Table
- Powerpoint Presentation
Quizes / Activities
- Activity 1:
- Activity 2:
- Activity 3:
- Slide presentation notes
- References
Certificate of Attendance:
- Certificate PDF
- Certificate Editable Doc
CME: Fertility Awareness for Adolescents
This CME will focus on how Fertility Awareness is relevant to adolescents during puberty. ETA: end of Feb 2024
Course Materials
- Course Outline and Time Table
- Powerpoint Presentation
Quizes / Activities
- Activity 1:
- Activity 2:
- Activity 3:
- Slide presentation notes
- References
Certificate of Attendance:
- Certificate PDF
- Certificate Editable Doc