Momentum Meetings
Momentum meetings will now be prepped and hosted by the Clinical Supervisor. There will be 4-6 annually. Meetings may start at slightly different times over the year to allow more people a chance to attend. There will still be an opportunity for members to provide or present charts, request to discuss a certain topic and get support in any area they are struggling in. Cassandra the Clinical Supervisor will create presentations about any topic she has noted needs attention or may be of interest and help to our educators. We will also go ahead with all of our Momentum meetings regardless of whether we have attendees, in that case it will be a shorter recorded presentation style video which can be watched later.
You can claim this learning time towards your ongoing professional development hours
- Attendance 1 hour
- Watching clip post meeting 30 mins
Make sure you are keeping a record of all your professional development hours and ongoing learning.
Download a useful reference document to fill in over the current year HERE.